Sunday, March 8, 2015

Almost Spring Break...

Well, it's been well over a month since my last post and Spring break is coming up in two short weeks so I feel like I should post an update or something.

So much has happened and so little at the same time. Right not I'm just in the daily grind of internship, school, home, class, homework, etc. with little bits of helping do wedding stuff thrown in there.

As far as school is concerned, it has its ups and downs. Overall I feel like I'm doing a good job, though some days are harder than others. There are a lot of sad stories, especially at my elementary site and some days that kind of hits hard. But there are so many good stories, too.

These next two weeks I will be doing a lesson with "My Mouth is a Volcano" instead of my usual kindergarten 2nd step lessons. It should be pretty fun. We got a picture book and a coloring sheet, too. We'll have a good time talking about what a volcano is, how the boy in the book can't keep his words inside his mouth, and what we can do to keep our words from erupting when they aren't supposed to. The kindergartners are so cute. I get to teach kindergarten four times a week: once in each class. It's so much fun.

At my high school site I am starting up senior check ins. I'm meeting with students who haven't applied to a four year school yet and seeing what their plans are. So far I have talked to a student who is going to become a tattoo artist, someone taking a gap year backpacking Europe and meeting up with family (they have family all over Europe!), and someone working to apply to a teaching program that has a late deadline. It's really great getting to hear all of their plans and help point them to scholarships and other resources. We'll be doing forecasting and junior interviews soon where I will help students pick classes and check in with juniors to make sure they are on track to graduate and make plans with students who might need some extra resources. I don't get a lot of face-time with students at the high school (at least not as much as I do at my elementary site) and I'm really enjoying this!

I'm also starting up the job hunting. I have requested letters of recommendation, filled out a general application for my top choice school district, and trolling the job postings on my other choice districts. A little early for hiring, but you never know. I got my resume all spruced up, an online portfolio, and lovely calling cards. Now I just need to take some time to practice the example interview questions our professor gave us and put together a nice interview outfit and I'm all set!

In the meantime, I just need to take my civil rights exam on Saturday (shouldn't be too hard if I take a moment to study this week) and get started on my action research project. The next couple of days will be spent doing pre-assessments and getting parent permission slips back (please, PLEASE let some of those have already come in!).

Sorry about the lack of pictures. I haven't really done anything picture worthy lately. We got some fun things coming up in the next few months, though: Jesi's wedding (pleeeease let that be over soon!), graduation (also hurry up and be soon!), TRIP TO KOREA (not at all excited about that one *sarcasm*). And hopefully we'll throw in a congratulatory "I got a job!" day in there, too. :)

Wish me luck, friends! Trying to keep the stress down and the happy up (some days are better than others...). The sun is helping a bit with that.

Flying home (and the shopping haul!)

 Sunday we woke up bright and early (10:00) to get breakfast at 10:30 and then checked out. Even with getting up so late, I was NOT chipper....