Monday, June 22, 2015

It is Finished

Well, it's done. I am all graduated now and the proud owner of a masters of science in counselor education with a specialization in school counseling.

Sometimes it feels like just yesterday that I was walking into orientation with very little idea of what I was getting into. Most of the time it feels like I've been in graduate school forever. I have mixed feelings about being done. I am excited to get started on this new chapter of my life, but I am also a little sad about saying goodbye to the amazing people I have gotten to know and work with. I will have the opportunity to work more with the head lady of my program over this summer - she asked me and another student to do curriculum supervision for her own big project (a project I'm already writing lesson plans for right now). And, of course, I'll see some of the other students at professional events (school counselor conventions, anyone?).

I finished up at both of my internship sites last week - Lincoln on Wednesday and McKinley on Thursday. The hardest part was saying goodbye to my kindergarten classes. They were all so adorable and so much fun to work with this year. I was so lucky to get such great internship sites and supervisors! I've learned so much this last year and I know that I will continue to learn more as I get going in my career.

I am currently applying to any and all jobs I can in the districts I want to work in. I have another interview this week that I'm really excited for. Wish me luck!

Graduation itself was Friday night. My parents and my sister came and watched me walk and get "hooded" with the oh so lovely regalia that you have to get to wear in such events.

The gym was sweltering hot, but, luckily, the sleeve things on the regalia make great pockets which I was able to store a little hand fan in when I was actually up and out of my seat. They also did a great job of moving us along at a great clip so we got out of there in just over two hours.

After the ceremony itself, we went outside for pictures and then walked to the graduate party thrown by the honors society. It was really small and so we only stayed for a little bit, just enough time to say hi, get a few pictures, and grab a cupcake.

My mom bought me a handmade lei that she gave to me after the event. It was so sweet! Ever since I went to my Aunt Amy's college graduation when I was super little, I have wanted to be able to wear a pretty flower lei at graduation. Turns out, however, that I am allergic to Thai orchids. Who knew? It is hanging in all its glory downstairs right now (don't want it contaminating my room) and it makes me sad I couldn't wear it more. It's so PRETTY. *sigh* But, overall, the parents made graduation very special.

In addition to Fish (remember Fish? My pretty, pretty car I got around Christmas?), they took me, Jesi, Drew, and my friend Jessi out for dinner at the Melting Pot. Yum! Fondue for all! I also got shower lotion, a pearl drop necklace, a bluetooth shower speaker (YES!), and cutie pie sunglasses. I am super spoiled, I know. I'm mostly okay with this. Especially when, what should arrive in the mail, but a present my padre purchased for Valentine's Day! The cutest ladle in existence, if I do say so myself.

And so we kick off the summer with sending Jesi and Drew off to Idaho in a few days from now. We thought we were getting rid of them tomorrow but I was just informed that they will be sticking around for another day to finish up. The parents will be seeing them at 4th of July in Washington, but I will need to stay here for work (back at Dream Dinners for the summer time!) and then leaving for KOREA (insert excited dance here). What with Dream Dinners, working for Lisa, writing curriculum, job applications and interviews, and KOREA I think I will be able to keep fairly busy these next two months before starting up at my new school, though I'm definitely going to have a lot more free time on my hands!

Flying home (and the shopping haul!)

 Sunday we woke up bright and early (10:00) to get breakfast at 10:30 and then checked out. Even with getting up so late, I was NOT chipper....