Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. It was a bit lackluster in the Olson household. We are putting off having the full Thanksgiving spread until after Christmas when Jesi is home; it felt silly to make all that food for three people. But we got all of our sides ready and waiting in the freezer from Dream Dinners. Instead, we made flank steak, deviled eggs, and broiled brussel sprouts, onions, and bacon. It was super delicious... and we ate it on Saturday! Haha!

We spent our Thanksgiving doing nothing! Well, I say nothing, but what I really mean is that Dad worked putting molding in the craft house, Mom went through all the Black Friday ads, and I wrote a paper/researched curriculum for reducing test-taking anxiety. Then we enjoyed the traditional Jack in the Box Thanksgiving dinner. I enjoyed not stressing out in the kitchen.

It's been really great having a long weekend with no work or class to really get some work done. I have only two weeks left in the term (yikes!!) and I have yet to make any of my finals study guides. I also have a big group project for my Foundations of School Counseling class. We'll be presenting the project on the last day of class to a fake school board that will consist of people from the community like principals, real board members, etc. You know... people who will hopefully want to hire us in the future. I'm really loving the project; but it is also really stressful. I've pretty much given up on maintaining healthy eating habits until the end of the holidays.

I've also been able to spend some time this weekend making Christmas cards, wrapping presents, and getting ready for the holidays. I hit a few of the Black Friday sales and managed to get a sparkly silver tinsel tree for my room as well as some white Christmas lights to hang around the ceiling. I've always wanted to have a room with lights around the ceiling and now I will!

And, since everyone has been doing it (and because I love making lists), I wanted to make a list of 20 things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:

1. Family: I love my family (crazy as they are). They are my best friends and my biggest support.

2. Friends: Although my social life is crap (thanks, grad school and work!), I still have some wonderful friends out there that I really wish I could spend more time with.

3. Graduate school: I know, right? Why? What I mean to say is that I am grateful to have the opportunity to attend graduate school to go into a field I am passionate about with a cohort of fabulous people

4. Hulu: And all forms of online video streaming. Thank you for helping me watch Korean dramas, Xena: Warrior Princess, and other fabulous shows to help me keep my stress levels at yellow (sometimes even blue!).

5. My job: I am so happy to be employed and even happier to work with such fabulous coworkers and customers. Seriously; I have never had a retail job where I have so few complaints about customers.

6. My bosses: I know I was already thankful for my job, but I seriously have the best bosses: Dina (the store owner) and Annetta (the store manager). They are totally supportive and wonderful people. They are totally spoiling me for all future bosses.

7. Text book rentals: Now I don't have to store or sell all my textbooks at the end of the term! I just return them!! Except for the really good ones. Like the ASCA National Model... or Making DATA Work. Those ones are seriously fabulous.

8. Facebook: It has its problems (boy, does it have its problems!), but I love it anyway. I love being able to have quick peeks into all my old friends' lives and connect with people easily.

9. My Chromebook: I got a little Chromebook last year and it makes my life so much easier. It is super lightweight and I can take it to school, take notes, write papers, research in class, check email, etc. at school without having to find a computer lab. I love it so much.

10. My new room: I love it. Love love love. I can't wait to put up my curtains and lights. :)

11. Christmas music: You might recall my post about Christmas music from when I was in Korea. I am listening to it right now. It just makes me happy, okay? Even in July...

12. Cute things: Thank you, cute things, for making life a little more adorable and happy.

13. Trimet: I take the max train to school and while I sometimes dislike the max, I really am happy I don't have to drive to school.

14. Modern medicine: I love having easy access to Advil, Claritin, and all sorts of wonderful medicines that help keep me functioning. This includes local urgent care facilities that help sew my finger back up after I cut it instead of my avocados...

15. Portland: It's weird and I love it.

16. Portland State University: It really has some great people there and a nice campus.

17. Drawing: I miss you; I promise that I'll try to make more time for you.

18. My phone: I can easily get in touch with people, check the internet for things when I'm not at home, it's really awesome.

19. The Church: How fabulous is it that the Gospel is all around the world? I can go to the other side of the globe and have a support network right there.

20. My privileged existence: Seriously, people. I am ridiculously privileged in a million different ways. From loving parents (who feed me and let me live with them while I go to grad school) to teachers and friends who have supported me. Thank you, all!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

30 before 30 Update

You might remember that last year I made a list of 30 things to do before I'm 30. Well, I haven't gotten very far on my list; in fact, looking at this list a year later, I realize that I need get cracking on this! So, here's a bit of an update on the items that I have done so far.

6. Decorate a room the way that I really want to
Currently in progress. I'm going about it one little bit at a time. But I'm really loving my new room! Well, I say new, though I've been in here since the summer. I promise I'll devote a post to it once I've gotten a few more things done.

13. Make and send holiday cards
Another "in progress" one. I'm currently in the process of making my Christmas cards to send out. Looking pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

And don't assume I know your address. If you want a card, don't be shy. Message me on Facebook. :)

15. Take sister photos
Thanks to a JC Penney Groupon, Jesi and I got some adorable sister pictures this summer.
Us holding the picture of when we first met. I'm the one with bangs in both pictures. ;)

28. Go to New York
I totally went to New York this summer!! It was SUCH A BLAST!! I saw five shows in one week, visited a million things, and generally drank my weight in water every day to keep up with how much we were sweating, it was so freaking hot. Check it out!
I'm in Times Square! In glasses because city air does not agree with my contacts.

30. Learn a new song on the piano
Actually, just this week. The piece was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, but it's really pretty so I'm totally counting this one as done. Here's a video of it synchronized with dancing Christmas light. Just to be clear, I'm not actually the one playing it in this. 

P.S. Only 37 more days until Christmas. You ready?

And that's it so far. Five things *mostly* done. There are a few that are kind of time dependent (graduating PSU, getting a realy job (in my field... need to graduate, first), going to Korea... etc.), but there are others that I need to get started on if I'm going to finish them before I'm 30! Let's DO THIS!! *punches the air*

Flying home (and the shopping haul!)

 Sunday we woke up bright and early (10:00) to get breakfast at 10:30 and then checked out. Even with getting up so late, I was NOT chipper....