Friday, July 1, 2016

A short (but important) post

I've thought about the writing of this blog post a lot. Like, A LOT. And for a long time. I've thought about how it might affect current relationships, my family, my budding career... and my feelings are still very conflicted. But I know that I need to be open about this in order to be a happy, healthy person.

So, here it goes. *deep breath*

I'm gay.

(Oh, that still feels weird saying that where other people can hear it... or, you know, read it.) I definitely like girls and I have been dating a wonderful woman for almost a year now. I told my family members a little while after we started dating. That time in between starting to date and telling them was so strange because I do not really keep secrets from my family... I'm a bit of an oversharer, generally. The decision to start dating women was not lightly made and came after much internal struggle and many hours of prayer and soul searching. And I am really happy that I made the jump. Not just because I was able to meet a wonderful lady in the process, but also because it was a huge step in accepting myself.

I know many of you will have many questions, but I'm not going to really go into much detail here or on Facebook. If you have questions for me, you are welcome to private message me and I will answer as much as I am comfortable revealing (again... oversharer here).

I also know that some of you will have strong feelings (some of you positive, some of you negative), but please know that this is not up for debate with me. I understand the need to honor and respect other's opinions and I *mostly* try to not get into "political" debates online (notice I said online; a very important distinction... also "mostly"). However, this is not a political debate nor an opinion. This is my reality and my life. So, for my own mental health, at this point I ask that any comments you may have that are anything less than positive and supportive comments be kept to yourself.

Yep. Okay. I did it. *high fives myself* Now, please enjoy this video of cute kittens.

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