Sunday, September 23, 2012

Grad School Orientation

Tomorrow is my first day of graduate school. It's becoming real. I'm getting a little freaked. I blame orientation.

Thursday I spent all day on campus with the other people in my cohort (which consists of everyone going into rehabilitation, clinical mental health, marriage and family, and school counseling). The professors spent the day spending half the time congratulating us on getting into the program and the other half of the time telling us the next three years are going to be Hell. I exaggerate, of course, but it was still a lot of information in a short amount of time and a lot of us were a bit overwhelmed. I met some fun people who I hope to get to know well over the next three years.

I've spent the majority of my free time since then getting organized for next week. Picked up my room some, got some online things done for school, cleaned up my bookmarks so that they are a little more organized. All I need to do now is get my books, figure out how to put my school email on Thunderbird (it's being a big pain), and finish organizing my room.

Aside from school, I have work which is going as well as can be expected. We are trying to find some new people to hire on, but that is proving a little more difficult than the owner could hope. We have a new dishwasher who turned out to be from my parents' ward and was friends with my sister. Funny how things work out. 

So with school, work, and my limited social life, life is pretty good. Things are going to be insanely busy for the next three years. My first year is supposed to be the "easiest" and I plan on getting as much fun things as possible fit into that span of time. Hoping to have a Halloween party and we'll see how that works out.

Wish me luck!

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