Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hanging with my Chicky

Well, friends, after two weeks in Utah, I am back in Oregon. A little bittersweet. My Chicky is having an awesome time at college (we've been texting back and forth), Mindy is back to work as usual, and I'm home procrastinating cleaning my room (as usual).

So, funny story, our first full day in Utah, we went to California Pizza Kitchen and the waiter dumped soda all over Jesi's back and into Mom's two new purses. All electronics, clothing, and purses were saved and lunch was on the manager.

Then, the Saturday the parents were leaving, we went out and ate lunch first with my old college roommate, Mindy, at Red Robins. And, what do you know, the waiter dumped water all over me and MY purse! Once again, all electronics were saved and the purse is now dry and happy now. But STILL! Twice in one week?! What the heck!

After the parents left, I stayed at Jesi's apartment and we had a fantastic time. There are only three people in her apartment so I was able to sleep in a bed while I was there instead of the couch. Pretty nice. My original plan was to go up everyday and eat lunch with Jesi on campus, but after the first day, I decided it was SO not worth the effort! Ugh, WAY too hot! Bleck! >.<

We did have a good time hanging out. One night, we made Korean style pizza! Well, not so much. One of my favorite pizzas in Korea was Pizza School's Goguma Pizza (Sweet Potato Pizza). Soooo good! Well, Jesi didn't like the sauce they had on it and so we nixed the sauce and instead brushed the dough with olive oil and minced garlic. That part was good. We then added corn and onions (a MUST on any Korean style pizza). I honestly don't know why we don't get to have corn on our pizza in America. It's SO GOOD!! Anyways, then we couldn't find any sweet potatoes at Wal Mart so we used yams (there IS a difference!). We realized that if we cut them up chunky like they did on the Pizza School version, then the potatoes probably wouldn't cook all the way, so we instead sliced them really thin and put them on top. In hindsight, we probably should have also rubbed the potatoes with olive oil. Oops. And cooked the onions as well. Double oops.

It was still okay... but definitely not what I wanted when I was thinking KOREAN PIZZA!!! Oh well. Better luck next time, eh?

We got some of Jesi's room fixed up: a nice bookshelf, a side table, a fancy desk topper shelf thing, cute pillows on the bed, and a cute sticker on the wall that says, "Grow Wise Little Chicky" That I got for her at the mall. We also got her two (well, three... Mr. Grumpy Gills jumped out of the bowl his first night with us) fishies to keep her company in her room. ^^

Wednesday night, Mindy came down from Salt Lake and we all went out for Korea foods. I love Korean food SO MUCH. You would think that a place like Beaverton, with such a huge Korean population, would have some good restaurants, but I am sad to have found that most just aren't that fabulous. Sad day. We did enjoy some great dukboki (spicy rice cakes), bulgogi (kind of like teriyaki beef), japjae (glass noodles with veggies), and all the potato banchan (side dishes) we could eat. Then I said goodbye to my beautiful baby and headed up to Salt Lake for a long weekend of fun.

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