Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Singles Awareness Day!!

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Or, as some people like to call it, Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day has never really been a big holiday for me (and not just because I'm single forever... shut up), but I usually make some kind of Valentine for my parents and sister. And for my class when I was little and they did Valentine's Day exchanges at school. The main thing I like about Valentine's Day is the colors. Pink, of course, is my favorite color (though I fought to deny that fact for a long time), and being able to clashingly pair it with all shades of red is really fun.

For this Valentine's Day, I made three Valentine's. One got sent off to my sister earlier this week and featured a cute little robot. I couldn't for the life of me think of what to do for my parents for the longest time. Cards, of course, but I needed a gift of some kind for them, as well. I wanted to make something, but I didn't know WHAT.

After thinking about it FOREVER, I finally decided to make them healthy little snack boxes!!

It was a lot of fun to make. I got these cute little strawberry shaped lunch boxes when I was in Korea, each with two levels. I filled one level with veggies one with fruits!

On the bottom level, I put yellow peppers, celery, and radishes cut out like little hearts. I also made a ranch veggie dip out of low fat Greek yogurt. It's really yummy and has fewer calories than sour cream.

On top, I put sliced strawberries, kiwis, and blueberries. And a little animal shaped pick to eat with.


Of course, no Valentine would be complete without the card. So, I drew them little cards to match the animal sticks in their little snack boxes. Dad got a cute little panda.

 Mom got an adorable bunny.

Each got a little not so healthy treat as well with their gifts. Dad got red vines (it's traditional) and I found this cute little ice cream thing for Mom when I was at Uwajimaya the other day. You mix up some frosting and decorate mini ice cream cones. Well, I think it's frosting. It might not be edible... but it was sitting up front by the candies... so I assume it's food. If it was in Korean I could at least read it and look things up. I know nothing about Japanese so I don't even know where to start.

Oh well. I got one for myself to play with as well, so we'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll take pictures and tell you. Maybe I won't. Depends on how much time I want to spend avoiding this evil paper of death for my assessment class.

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