Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ease on down the road...

Can I say how much I love that it's Michael Jackson and Diana Ross in this? I used to love "The Wiz." What can I say? My taste has always gone for the cheesy.

Anyways... the whole point of that title choice is just that life keeps on going and going and going and doesn't slow down after landmarks.

Like midterms of DOOM.

I had a midterm yesterday for my Assessment in Counseling class and I was SUPER stressed about it this week. I spent most of my free time this last week at my computer going through my notes and getting them all condensed and studied. Woof! I got super tired of trying to remember the difference between the different types of reliability. I'm glad I studied so much, though, because the test got into some REAL specific details, some of which I'm not sure if I remembered or not (such as the difference between standard error of difference and standard error of estimate). We'll find out next week how I did. Crossing fingers!

Then, right after we finished the exam, we talked about the specifics of our assessment research paper. We have to examine three different test manuals and decide if they would work for our demographic (I'm not sure how specific we are supposed to get for our demographic... he just has us listed out by track: rehabilitation, marriage and family, etc. I'm on the school counseling track.). We have to keep the manuals in the library so I'll have to write a great deal of my paper on campus. Joy. We'll see what days work best for getting into the library for me.

Other than school, not much else is going on as far as immediate activities. I HAVE been busy making plans for my New York trip this summer. Woo hoo!! I am ridiculously excited about the trip. My friend Maggie and I will be going a few days early and staying a few days after the class itself to do some extra things while we are there. The class is on Multicultural Counseling. We'll be going to the different burrows and talking with leaders of different cultural communities, going through museums, eating tasty foods, seeing some presentations and a Broadway show. I'm really looking forward to the experience. I think I will get a lot more out of this experience than just taking the regular classroom option.

Also, my boss has a friend in the show that the group plans on seeing together: Cindy Lauper's "Kinky Boots." It looks really fun and I'm super excited to look for her friend on the stage. I plan on going to see a few shows by myself as well, buying last minute student tickets.

I'm freaking out excited, people.

And that's the update on Jen. There will probably be more exciting pictures and stuff once I start helping Mom move into the craft room, getting my new room all set up, and then Hawaii and New York this Summer. Yes!!

Loves and hugs, peoples!! ^^

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