Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Wow! Time really flies when you are having fun. Or, you know, busy and stressed.

Summer is almost over. I have two more weeks doing my practicum at the counseling clinic on campus. I have enjoyed working with my clients, but I am excited to get started in my internships at the end of August! I am going to be doing my main internship at McKinley Elementary. I have yet to receive my second assignment for my secondary internship, but my professor says not to worry about it, that I should get it soon. I guess getting the new graduates real jobs in schools takes precedence over my internship. Go figure.

I'm so excited to get started working in an actual school! A little nervous, too. I met the school counselor and the office ladies at McKinley already. It seems like a really great school and I can't wait to get to work!

I'm also excited that I get to be a peer supervisor at the new counseling clinic that will be opening up this October at Beaverton High School. It's a community clinic, but because of the location it will be where the future cohorts of school counselors will be doing their practicum. I'm excited to see this new program as it's starting up.

I HAVE managed to get out and have a little bit of fun in between work and school in the last couple of weeks. I went with my friend Michelle from school to see the musical Lizzie at Portland Center Stage. I mean, really? A rock opera about how Lizzie Bordon axed her step-mom and dad in 1892? Count me in!

I liked it so much that I convinced Gena and Zach to go with me a week later. It was doubly fun since I hadn't seen them in a few years. I last saw Gena when I went to New York to visit Mindy in 2010 and I hadn't seen Zach since they got married. It was great to see them.

Then a little over a week later, my dad and I went and saw the Book of Mormon Musical with Gena (yay!) and I nearly died. It is hilarious. Bawdy and totally irreverent, but great. I get why a lot of people don't like it (a lot of swearing, and, yeah, they poke fun at the Church), but I think that it gives a pretty fair representation of Mormon culture. And they had the iconography down pat!

(Warning: language has been bleeped out, but, yeah, you can tell what's said at that point)

Dad and I also went to an arena football game. I think dad hopes that now that I've shown an interest in hockey, that I might start liking other sports, too. Not so much, but I do like going to see games with my padre, particularly if they are inside with air-conditioning. And it doesn't hurt that there was a fight. That's always fun.

On the work front, I've been getting ready for my last day at Dream Dinners. We found a new manager who will be taking my place and so I've been getting her trained and at least semi-ready for when I won't be there. Well, I say "won't be there" when what I mean is that I won't be there as manager. I've worked it out with the owner, Dina, to see if I could continue to work a few night a week and a couple of Saturdays a month. I won't have the time (or energy) to do all the manager stuff I do now, but I will be able to continue working and bring in a bit of a paycheck. And we've already talked about me picking up more hours next summer before I (*hopefully!*) start at my new job in a school.

Tomorrow is my last day as manger. Today was my last prep day and, just like every other time I've made the apple crisps, I managed to cut my hand on one of the aluminum pans. I make tons of pan dishes - jambalaya, lasagna, ravioli, stuffing - but I only seem to have problems with apple crisps. Just a big paper cut, but it stings nonetheless. Happy day.

After I'm done with work tomorrow, I'm free for two weeks before going to visit my grandparents in San Jose (yay!). In the meantime, I plan on reviewing some school counselory stuff, looking into what I want to do for a possible action research in the schools, and watch copious amounts of Netflix.

Oh, yeah. And GISHWHES.

A friend at school invited me to do something called GISHWES with her. One of my favorite actors from the show Supernatural started it. GISHWHES stands for the "greatest international scavenger hunt the world has ever seen." Between August 2-9 my team (Jesi, Alycia, Alycia's husband, and another group of 11 people from Australia) along with thousands of other people around the world will be trying to "capture" as many items as we can on the list that will be posted this Saturday. We upload pictures and videos online which will then be awarded points and the team with the most points at the end of the hunt will be flown out to Croatia to spend a week with Misha Collins on a pirate ship. Sounds good to me! GISHWHES works in conjunction with Random Acts and items on the list range from sweet acts of kindness like "perform a sock puppet show at a children's hospital" to the insanely weird, "a fully dressed storm trooper cleaning a pool next to a sunbather."

So I'll probably be pretty busy this next week! Super excited to get started.

Wish me luck! :)

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