Saturday, January 24, 2015

Welcome, Fish!

The new year has come and gone. There was a quick trip to Disneyland (which was AMAZING!!) and then it was back to internship and the daily grind of school, stress, wedding planing for Jesi, and the fun of the last six months of graduate school.

Speaking of graduate school, my fellow school counseling cohort and I spent the last two days on campus with the head of our program (who is amazing, P.S.) going over information about the hiring process, graduation, getting our license, interviewing, our action research project, and our online portfolio that we will use for both getting our license and then edit up for a show version we can use for the job search. It's a big project and kind of tedious but it's going to be really great when it is all done. Super excited to see it when it's done (not so excited about getting it done, but there you go).

Along with all the fun work of internship, I am going to be starting work on making up credit I missed when I was able to waive the effective teaching my first year (already did that with my student teaching in undergrad... they didn't make me do it again). My professor (same amazing lady we met with the last two days) is creating a course for me that is essentially me doing curriculum development for her. I get to write creative lesson plans for her bully prevention program! I am so stoked!

But, a la Alice's Restaurant, that's not what I wanted to talk about today. I'm here to tell you about Fish, my new car.

My mom told me that for graduation they wanted to get me a really great present because apparently I've been working really hard these past few years or something (and also because they are super amazing and generous and love me lots). I don't know, it's just grad school, right?

Anyways, they said they wanted to get me something like a graduation trip or a car and since I have been planning and saving since day one of grad school to go to Korea with my friend Mindy (July, baby!!), they decided on a car.

Dad rejected my first preference saying something about "reliability" and "trunk space" and "only children 65 pounds and under can ride in that." But it was PINK! Party pooper.

My dad took me out a few times to test drive and I found that a lot of the newer cars are kind of difficult to see out the back when you are short (annoying) so it took a few tries to find a car that worked for me. While we were looking around, one of the sales guys pointed out a Cube (which I have always thought was a super ugly car and made fun of). We decided to get in and test drive it for funsies and as I got in the guy said, "This is a really great car for girls." And I asked, with as little snark as possible, "Oh, why?" There are good answers and bad answers to that question. "Um, er, uh, hmm..." is not one of the good answers. That was fun.

After driving it, I announced that I loved it and it would be named Fish after the Boxtroll or because it looks like an aquarium, take your pick. My parents were incredulous ("Seriously? THAT'S the car you pick?!?") but I am in love with Fish.

We didn't end up getting the one at that particular dealership because it was outside the price range, but we got a newer model with less miles on it for a better deal. I say we, my Dad got the deal. He paid but it's in my name.

And here he is in all his adorable, toaster neanderthal glory!

I even got a hidden Mickey in my car. Check out those cup holders.

It has a magic key. You press a button on the door to unlock/lock the car and it knows if you have the keys near it or in the car. And you only need to press a button to start it. So fancy.

The guy who first showed us the car said it was "all tricked out" which means it has a rear view camera (one I can use 'cuz it has these nifty guides that show where your car will actually go... I might try to learn how to parallel park, now), cd/radio/ipod stereo, bluetooth. It is quite nice.


 And, of course, it had to be cute, so I made myself a little rear-view mirror dangly of some Disney fish (for FISH) to liven things up a bit.

And that, my friends, is Fish. The backseat is a bit uncomfortable, but I am willing to sacrifice your leg room for my own driving comfort. He is doing pretty great (though apparently I need to take him in to update his software? Computer cars...) and I really enjoy zipping around town with my Fish.

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