Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another year gone by...

I have been quite remiss in posting to this blog. Needless to say, my time is precious right now. There was about a month of extreme stress as I got my research project all ready to go for the new year (namely filling out the application for the review board) and then, of course, getting ready for the holidays at the same time. It's been busy. In the process I decided to quit my job at Dream Dinners. Yesterday was my last day, which was very sad, but will be good for me in the long run.

A lot has happened since I last posted, including me turning 28 (woo hoo!)! So, this post is to talk about the progress on my 30 before 30 list.

Only two more years to go before I hit the deadline! Last year I gave you an update on the progress I had made. And it's that time of year again! Another year older, another year closer to 30.

10. Learn a new skill
I learned several new skills this year. On a professional level, I learned how to do a whole bunch of things about what I will do as a school counselor. On a more personal level, I also learned some yoga. That was amazing. I was really surprised at how much I liked my yoga class and how good it felt. I have a hard time with meditation activities, and I feel like the yoga really helped me to focus on clearing my mind. I need to start doing it at home on my own. Great stress reducer.

13. Make and send holiday cards
Last year I made handmade Christmas cards and sent them out to a bunch of family and friends. They were pretty cute. Cartoon hedgehogs with Santa hats and Christmas lights.

22. Take a fun class
During Spring term, I took a couple of classes to do something fun for myself: yoga and watercolor. I liked the yoga, but the watercolor class was just annoying. It was mostly studio time. She didn't teach squat. If I'm going to take a class on something, I expect lesson plans and actual teaching of techniques or something. I was pissed. But, I got some time to do my own projects (which sucked because I don't know how to paint with watercolors, hence taking the class).

24. Bake GOOD cookies (all by myself!!)
I taught myself how to bake French macarons! I can't make a chocolate chip cookie to save my life, but I can make macarons. Very happy with that skill. I'm still trying to perfect the best filling for them, but I pretty much got the meringues down.

29. Buy a car
Okay, I might have cheated a little on this one. My parents bought it for me as an early graduation gift. It's officially in my name and everything! I plan on having an entire post dedicated to Fish (that's his name... after the box troll) because I am just that excited. :)

That's it for this year. Next year bodes well for the list. There are several things that are almost guaranteed to happen before next November. I'm set to graduate from the Portland State School Counseling Program in June (yay!), which will hopefully be followed rather quickly with getting a "real" job. And I have already purchased the tickets and booked the hotel for my graduation trip to Korea, so that better be happening.

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