Thursday, June 14, 2018

End of year 3!

Today was the last day of school in my 3rd year of being a school counselor!! Wow, I both can't believe it's already been three years and then again it REALLY FEELS like three years. I've been in my career for as long as I was in graduate school now!

Per tradition, I colored my hair PINK! Love my summer hair-do!

You can't really tell in the photo, but my shirt says, "Dear parents, Tag... you're it!!! Love, teachers."

On my way to school, I saw my dad driving the crew truck back to the airport. Hey, Dad!

He was sweet enough to stop by the school and bring hot chocolate and chai tea (hot chocolate for the secretaries and my favorite chai tea for me!) and a cake to the school! So sweet! 

 I had to run away really quick to help hand out attendance awards at the talent show (the parts I got to see were fabulous!).

The day went by quickly. This was the first year I came close to crying when I said goodbye to some of my kiddos, especially one of my 5th graders. Hoo boy...

Ended the day with the traditional water fight (okay... the teachers spray the kids with water guns as they leave... it's not really a "fight" since it's pretty much one sided). I decided last night around 7pm that I did, in fact, need a new water gun so I headed to Target and got a pack of 3 to share. They were fabulous! My favorite part is when the parents drive their car around, roll the back windows down, and honk their horn to get us to spray the kids in the backseat. The kids laugh and scream while they try to get the windows to roll back up (of course the parents have it locked from the driver seat)!

Worked on cleaning out cabinets after kiddos left and then went out to hang with some coworkers. Got home around 6:30 and I immediately knew that my lovely padre had stopped by earlier in the day: my guard goose was on the wrong side of the door.

Oh no...

Came in and, yes, my padre had come over. He took all of the stuffed animals that I have hidden in my office (to prevent Missy from STEALING them) and laid them all out on my stairs.

Dad... no.

What a fabulous way to end my third year! I really feel like this year I have really come into my own as a school counselor. My first year was ROUGH, second year was tough, and while there were definitely hard days (I got bit by my first kid! Milestone!), I feel like I've started to really proactively DO my job rather than always just reacting. Go me! *high five*

Here's to many more!

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