Friday, March 27, 2020

Covid 19: Quarantine!

So it has been a really interesting past few weeks and I wanted to take some time to write out what's been going on just so I have a record of it.

And, yes, I know I never made a post about the wedding. I'll do it. It'll happen. I just totally forgot I had a blog that I write on. Then I was thinking about how much I miss writing and I was, like, "Oh yeah. I have a blog for that. I should use it." So. Here we are.

Back to now.

Coronavirus. Covid-19. The contagious virus going around that has overwhelmed hospitals and health care systems. Because of the huge potential this has to overwhelm all the hospitals, the government has put in place new requirements, closed schools and businesses, and is enforcing "social distancing." First it was guidelines to practice social distancing. Then gatherings of 250 or more were shut down. Sporting events, plays, concerts, and other large events were all cancelled. Broadway shut down (the Tony's are postponed!).

The Tony Awards (@TheTonyAwards) | Twitter

Earlier this week the governor laid out an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to be out of your house except for necessary things like food, providing care, or other essential services. You can go outside but you can't congregate and you must maintain social distancing (6 feet apart).

Social distancing Before cool | Make a Meme

There's a lot of talk about "flattening the curve," or slowing the spread of the disease. This way, hospitals won't get overwhelmed with cases and be unable to treat people due to lack of space, supplies, or people.

How Does the Coronavirus Spread? Should I Order Takeout? Your ...

Businesses that do not provide essential services are shut down or have gone online. Many people are struggling to pay rent or mortgages. State and federal government are trying to make emergency aid available to those that need it. However, I think it is bringing to light to many people how many of our social structures are not well supported. As well as showing how essential minimum wage jobs are to society as a whole. Grocery store workers, restaurant workers, custodians. These are the people keeping what's still open going. I really hope that we will remember this moving forward and adjust accordingly.

Ok. The other big thing - the STUPIDEST thing - is the shortage of toilet paper. When news hit that people were being quarantined and things were shutting down, people went NUTS. There were fights in grocery stores across the country over TOILET PAPER. The stores are still out nearly two weeks later. Luckily, we had just bought some and we are ok.



It's starting to dwindle and we've got a toilet top bidet coming in the mail. Just in case. We'll see how that works out.

For Amanda and me personally, this meant that Oregon schools closed a week early for Spring Break and we will be providing "supplementary education" via "distance learning" until the end of April, perhaps longer. Some states have preemptively closed for the remainder of the school year. I worry that we will also move in that direction. I know some states have stopped providing funding to their schools and teachers aren't going to be paid. Luckily, that is not happening in Oregon. Well, not yet. I don't think it will. At least, I am hopeful it won't.

Amanda and I have worked hard to not go out too much since schools have closed. Since Maddie and I hang out all the time, we've been going to one another's houses, working together and taking some online graduate courses and having some baking adventures. Amanda came with me one day and hung out playing with her Switch and doing work on her laptop while Maddie and moaned and groaned about the class we were taking. Then we had some baking adventures and made macarons and cupcakes.

I've also decided to make a series of videos about self care for my kiddos. My plan is to get them all set up this week and then post two a week through April. Hopefully by then we will be back in school. If not, hopefully we will know sooner rather than later and I can make some more videos to go through the rest of the school year. Right now, our district has instructed us that counselors will not be doing "virtual therapy" since the governor has said we are technically closed. That might change as we move forward. We will see.

And I'm not going to go into the politics about all of this because, well, as much as it might SEEM like I don't try, I actually do try to avoid political debates online (I SWEAR... I just also have a big mouth and strong opinions). So, instead, let's watch a cute video of Thurston the Cat.

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