Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dentist and Politics (I'm SORRY!!)

I spent my election day this year at the dentist and work. If it hadn't been that Obama had won, it would have completely ruined my week (sorry Romney fans...).

I am turning 26 on Monday (OH MY GOD I'M SO OOOOLLLDD!!!) and so I have been getting various appointments out of the way, seeing as I will be dropped from my parents' insurance as of this momentous day. This meant two trips to the dentist: one to have them yell at me about not flossing, and a second to shoot me up with copious amounts of novicane to then drill at three tiny cavities that we "would ordinarily just watch, but due to your insurance ending, we'll just take care of it now."

Gee, thanks Dr. Thompson.

It was an oddly bittersweet day at the dentist (mostly bitter). I have been going to Dr. Thompson since I was 10 years old. He has been the only person to treat my adult teeths (and find a cavity in nearly every freaking one, I think). This was my last time in his office, probably. My next appointment will be with a complete stranger that I find through the school insurance. And, knowing my teeth, it's important that I go at least every six months. Ick.

Anyways, half my face was numb for the following six hours, during which I attended work and couldn't really smile or talk. It was annoying.

Tuesday night I decided that I wasn't going to watch any of the coverage of the election. Instead I watched tv on my computer... until I got a text from a girl at school informing me of that Obama had won.

My personal feelings are, "Meh. I'm happy that Romney didn't win." But I'm not throwing a huge Obama-fan party. I personally think he's a very charismatic man who makes great speeches, but I personally don't see the president as having all that much power when it comes down to it.

I also don't really understand Obama haters or Romney haters. I dislike Romney, but I don't HATE HIM... he just kind of creeps me out and we disagree philosophically speaking (seriously... "Binder Full of Women?" Poor word choice, dude) but I don't HATE HIM. If he had become president, I would have been a little bummed, but I wouldn't be throwing the hissy fit that some of my more condervative friends have been throwing on Facebook and other various areas (mostly Facebook....).

Here is what I say to those of you whining so much about the Obama win (particularly those of you who seriously seem to think that the world is going to end):


Obama being reelected is not the end of the world. People are whining about how people want hand outs and aren't working and waah waah waah. It's out current culture in this country (and, well, many of the developed countries in the world), not the president. And, honestly? The problems are a lot bigger than some people make them out to be (beware the Straw Men!!). It's not just people who don't want to work that get help from the government. Who are we to judge who is the "deserving poor" who deserves monetary help from the government? (This has been the most consistant thing people whine about, which is why I address it.)

And if you want to change something, if you have great ideas for how things should be done, rather than bitching about them on Facebook, DO SOMETHING. Write to your senator, governor, or something. RUN FOR FREAKING OFFICE IF YOU THINK YOU CAN DO BETTER. Get your voice heard in a productive forum.

My personal way of trying to make things better is to become a school counselor and try to help people from that post. Maybe I won't make a huge difference, probably nothing will change, but to those people who I help find resources to keep their family healthy and happy, I think I will at least be doing something right.

So, honestly, people. The world isn't coming to an end. You'll be fine. Just do the best you can do, and, in the end of the end, it will be enough.

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