Thursday, December 6, 2012

First term of graduate school: COMPLETE

Right now, I am sitting in a computer lab on campus with a little over four hours to go until my last class of the semester; my first semester of graduate school. Sometimes it's strange to think that I'm getting a masters. And that a PHD, while not really on my mind right now, isn't that crazy of a posibility to think about.

After my first semester back in school, I'm feeling pretty good. I think I've gotten back into the swing of studying, homework, and test taking. Next semester will be the true test. I know that Winter semester was always hardest for me in undergrad and I'm a little worried about the statistics and research class I have to take next semester. I think Dad's excited, though. First time he'll really be able to help me with homework since early high school. :)

Next semester I only have two classes to go to, so I'll probably get some more hours at work, which will be good for my hungry bank account. Most of the other people in my program will be taking an effective teaching course, complete with a 200 hour student teaching experience out in the schools. However, I was able to talk with my program head and they are able to count my student teaching from my undergrad for this requirement. Yay! I just have to make up the four credits I'll miss from the class by taking two other classes at some other point in the program. They still have to be graduate courses, so no fun, easy dance classes or something like that. It will probably be some kind of elective course or an extra class with one of the other cohorts. Either way, it will be a fun switch up.

After the class tonight is over, a few of us from class are going out for a few drinks to celebrate surviving our first term as graduate students! Party! Not really... but a time to speculate about grades, next term, and toast to a bright future. Then the semester is over! Yay! All I need to worry about for the next few weeks is work, getting the house cleaned and ready, and playing with my baby sister when she gets here next Saturday (yay!!!). Looking forward to all that.

Not much else is going on right now. Just school, work, school, and work. Occasionally I'll watch tv before bed or take a break from homework and clean the kitchen (that REALLY needs to be done...).

To one term down! Ten more to go! :)

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