Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Flying to Seoul (Bye, Tokyo!)

 Our final day in Tokyo, was spent taking the subway to the airport. We got out of the hostel easy peasy and then hauled our suitcases through the subway. Some of us might have sweated through our clothes and were a little gross by the time we made it to the airport (me... I was so sweaty... so gross). 

We got to the gate with 45 minutes to spare. We were yet to have food. I was starving, but too tired to want to get up to find food. Mandy decided to set out to find nourishment while I stayed at the gate and watched a short documentary about Sailor Moon. I was very happy.

Mandy ended up getting lost trying to find the food and Mandy had gotten up to get some food and ended up getting me a small got dog which tasted great. I was going to share with Mandy, but luckily she went and got her own because I was very hungry and inhaled it.

The flight itself was uneventful. Though we got a whole meal on a two hour flight. Which was cool.

One thing you learn very quickly in Seoul is it is not wheelchair accessible. By that I mean stairs. All the stairs. So. Many. Stairs. We had to haul all of our suitcases through the airport, through Seoul Station to transfer lines, and then out of the station at Myeoung-Dong. We took elevators when we could, escalators when we couldn't, and hauled suitcases up and down staircases when neither were available. Unfortunately, with her bum knee, Mandy would fall if she tried to carry her suitcase down or up stairs so I had to do it for her. 

Not her fault, but I was definitely tired by the time we got out of the Subway. 

Outside the Myeoung-Dong station we were greeted by a beautiful, colorful Seoul statue. We paused to take a very sweaty, exhausted photo in front of hit before hiking up the hill to our hostel.

When I say we hiked, I mean HIKED. We had to haul all of our bags up the hill. The sidewalk isn't exactly even. And it was hot. And humid. 

I literally dripped SWEAT on the check in counter. OMG. I was so gross. So so gross.

We got to the room, turned on the air conditioning, and lay on the beds until we were a little cooled off. Then took cold showers. And lay in the air conditioning some more.

Maddie and I then went downstairs to see if the front desk could help us order take out. They managed to order us fried chicken and sweet potato pizza. The place wouldn't take cash or foreign cards so the guy volunteered to use his own card. And we didn't have exact cash to give him. So we ran to the convenience store, bought snacks and drinks, and then gave him the cash.

The food was not... great. I dream of sweet potato pizza, but this was not the pizza of my dreams. Oh well. I ate it. 

Then we figured out we could watch Netflix on our tv, watched tv, then crashed. Ready for a slow, slow first day in Seoul.

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Flying home (and the shopping haul!)

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