Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Seoul Day 3: Insadong

 We again decided to take a slow day on Tuesday and start around lunch time. Dan had spotted a place with bibimbap along the road so we went there. It was a literal hole in the wall type place and I accidentally did not make it clear that I ALSO wanted food, so I got to graze across people's bowls.

Maddie and Mandy had bulgogi bowls and you KNOW I love me an egg yolk on rice. YUM.

Mandy loves fish cake so she also got some of that. I am not a fan of the fishy sponges.

After lunch, we had to figure out a problem with the portable wifi which it turned out I had not booked it for two weeks (only one... oops). But the customer service was super quick and we got it figured out in time to go to a little stationary store Maddie found online. 

After that we took the subway out to Insadong street to do some more shopping (yay!), this time for more traditional stuff.

Once we got there, we decided we needed a snack and stopped at a cute little cafe. Got some drinks and treats. 

Insadong is a pretty touristy place and so the first half of the road was little shops selling essentially all the same stuff. 

Did we go in every single one? Yes. Yes we did.

Then we had to find a bathroom and came across one in the cool shopping center with Haribo world (which we did not pay to go into).

The shopping center is cool because it goes up in, like, a spiral on the majority of floors. It has a bunch of little boutique shops, restaurants, etc. 

Being a Tuesday afternoon, it wasn't all that crowded so we made our slow way through. We even stopped at this little "relaxing garden" of fake plants. It was cute.

Along the way, we found my new cat themed shop where I got several cute things: necklace, notepad, and makeup bag. We showed the lady who ran it pictures of our cats and she said she loves cats, but they make her itchy. So sad!

Here we are imitating the logo.

We also found a photo booth with an assortment of headbands and hats to choose from. After choosing our accessories, we all got a group photo. Maddie chose cat ears. Meow!

By now we were hungry again and we found a place with food, most of which we got no photos of. 

After that, we left the shopping center and made our way down the road some more. The farther down you get, the more "legit" the shops get... and more expensive. For my main souvenir, I wanted to get a piece of pottery and I found a very cute traditional vase set for our downstairs shelves. Mandy also found a hand painted traditional drum. 

I LOVED the shop with all of the traditional embroidery. SO. GORGEOUS. We weren't allowed to take pictures, but they were very pretty. And very expensive. Rightly so. 

After spending way too much money, we headed back for the subway to go home, taking pictures of some cool tiles along the way.

We had planned on having a second dinner at the izakaya by our hotel, but we were still too full from regular dinner so we settled on candied fruit on a stick. Maddie got cherries, Mandy got pineapple, and I, of course, got strawberries. Nom!

Then we needed to rest up for an early start on Wednesday. 

We were not prepared.

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Flying home (and the shopping haul!)

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